SOS Vietnam

STOP à son annexion génocidaire par la Chine Communiste

Catégorie : Actualités

Inondations (suite)


Le Vietnam s’est-il à peine relevé des crues et inondations du mois d’octobre générées par des pluies incessantes, le déversement des eaux des lacs et bassins hydrauliques, puis le typhon n°11 (Khanoun) que depuis le 1/11, un autre typhon beaucoup plus puissant (n°12, Damrey) s’abat sur le pays, soufflant du Centre Vietnam Sud vers le Sud Vietnam. Au contact de l’air froid hivernal, il produit vents furieux et pluies diluviennes qui engendrent de nouvelles crues venant s’ajouter aux précédentes, rendant infernale la vie des habitants, en particulier ceux du Centre, population martyre s’il en est, tant sur elle s’accumulent les catastrophes, en particulier depuis avril 2016 avec l’empoisonnement de la mer par les déchets rejetés de l’entreprise chinoise Formosa. Et cela sans compter les harcèlements agressifs subis par les millions de catholiques qui la composent, de la part des autorités, anti-religieuses et tributaires de Pékin.

Malgré les critiques de l’opinion publique et les plaintes des habitants concernés, le gouvernement a encore choisi les intérêts des propriétaires (chinois) des barrages hydrauliques aux dépens de la population en leur permettant de protéger ces ouvrages du risque de rupture par le déversement de leurs eaux pendant les crues, lesquelles viennent s’ajouter aux eaux montantes des fleuves.

Déversements d’autant plus criminels qu’ils ont lieu encore le plus souvent la nuit, sans préavis. Victime de ces crues doublées d’eaux de barrages, la ville-musée de Hội An, dont les vieux quartiers sont classés au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco, est complètement inondée, au point qu’il a fallu en évacuer les habitants, y compris un grand nombre de touristes étrangers. (

Au matin du 7/11, les ravages du typhon Damrey et des crues occasionnées par lui sont ainsi estimés : 69 morts (dont 27 dans la province de Quảng Nam et 20 dans celle de Khánh Hòa), 30 disparus, 1484 maisons démolies, 119.222 maisons abîmées et à toiture envolée, 7.990 ha de rizières noyées, 14.559 ha de plantations de légumes et fruits  noyées, 29.942 cages de pisciculture endommagées (cf. Tin tức, 7/11/2017).   

A 19h du 8/11/2017, le bilan des pertes humaines s’est élevé à 106 morts, 25 disparus et 197 blessés (cf. RFA, 8/11/2017)

Empoisonnements de masse


Près de 1000 élèves intoxiqués par du lait empoisonné

Le 27/10/2017, près de 1000 élèves – les autorités ont essayé de minimiser ce nombre en ne reconnaissant d’abord que 100, puis 400, puis 500 et n’ont donné le chiffre de 1000 qu’en catimini lors d’une émission télévisuelle le 29/10 — de trois écoles primaires, Lái Hiếu, Nguyễn Hiền et Cây Dương situées dans les districts Châu Thành, Ngã Bảy et Phụng Hiệp dans la province Hậu Giang (dans le delta du Mékong) ont dû être hospitalisés pour cause d’intoxication grave, trente minutes après l’ingestion du lait distribué gratuitement dans les écoles dans le cadre d’une campagne de promotion «Nestlé healthy kids » (devant durer du 16/10 au 24/11) lancée par la compagnie Nestlé via la société de publicité et marketing M.C. sise à Saïgon. Effarés par la catastrophe, les Services de l’Education et de la Santé de la province (chef-lieu Cần Thơ) ont gelé l’accord du 6/10 avec M.C., mandataire de Nestlé, sur la distribution du lait Milo (de Nestlé) aux 127 écoles relevant de leur juridiction.

Le 29/10, tous les enfants malades ont pu rentrer chez eux sans que les médecins aient découvert la cause exacte de l’intoxication. Ils ont échappé à la mort, mais sait-on quelle substance nocive ils ont ingurgité et quelles en seront les séquelles dans leur corps ? Le lait distribué gratuitement ferait-il partie de lots périmés écoulés exprès dans les pays pauvres pour des fins publicitaires ? Mais Milo est du lait en poudre et doit être dilué dans de l’eau.

L’empoisonnement serait-il dû à l’utilisation par des agents négligents de M.C. d’une eau contaminée ? La police a trouvé à leur maison de location à Cây Dương (Phụng Hiệp) en plus de 400 paquets de Milo plus de 1300 boîtes de lait concentré sucré de marque différente non communiquée, qu’ils avouent avoir mélangé avec Milo, à l‘instigation même de Nestlé. Le produit toxique se trouverait-il dans ce lait concentré ? On attend les explications de Nestlé !

Il se peut aussi que ce lait destiné aux enfants a été intentionnellement empoisonné par une main malveillante, et entre dans le cadre d’une entreprise continue de génocide décidé à Pékin et perpétré par une cinquième colonne baptisée « Tình báo Hoa Nam » (Intelligence Chine-Vietnam) par la population. En voilà de l’obsession complotiste diriez-vous ! Pas tant que ça quand on compte tous les cas d’empoisonnement collectif récurrents touchant les travailleurs (c’est-à-dire la partie dynamique de la société) et les enfants (l’avenir de la nation) depuis quelques années. Certes, de l’aveu de tous les media officiels vietnamiens, s’alimenter au Vietnam est devenu tous les jours un acte dangereux tant le marché est envahi par des aliments « sales » (= trafiqués chimiquement) venant de Chine ou produits sur place sous incitation chinoise. Mais ces riz, fruits, légumes, viandes, boissons, condiments … sales qui provoquent le cancer, tuent lentement et rarement immédiatement. Et aussi aléatoirement, car les Vietnamiens avertis cherchent à les éviter. D’où parfois la tentation d’activer le processus et de mieux cibler les victimes avec les empoisonnements collectifs.

C’est ainsi que depuis le début de l’année, d’après uniquement la presse officielle, on peut répertorier, outre le cas cité, les occurences  troublantes (sans cause définie) suivantes :

– Au moins 38 personnes hospitalisées et 3 personnes décédées lors d’un mariage à Lai Châu (cf. A family, 15/2/2017) ;

– 22 religieuses du Couvent Reine de la Paix à Buôn Ma Thuột, DakLak, hospitalisées le 24/2/2017 après avoir ingurgité une soupe (cf. infonet, 25/2/2017) ;

  – 31 enfants de l’école maternelle Đác Hring, Kontum hospitalisés après le dîner à l’école le 10/5/2017 (cf .Nhân dân điện tử, 11/5/2017 😉

– 59 personnes, dont 4 petits enfants et 49 élèves des écoles primaires Dak Leang, Tân Lợi et Lý Tự Trọng  du village Ea Uy, Krong Pak, DakLak, hospitalisés après avoir mangé des bonbons et gâteaux distribués par 5 inconnus sur motobylettes, portant lunettes noires et masque buccal (, 12/5/2017  ;

– 31 enfants de l’école maternelle Lại Yên, quartier Hoài Đức, Hà Nội hospitalisés après le déjeuner à l’école. (cf., le 14/9/2017) ;

– 109 ouvriers de la société Lạc Thủy, Hòa Bình, en vacances à Sầm Sơn, hospitalisés le 29/9/2017, le lendemain d’un dîner à leur résidence (cf. VOV.VN, 28/9/2017) ;

– 55 personnes hospitalisées et 3 autres décédées lors d’un repas de fiançailles le 1/10/2017 au hameau Lùng Vùi, district Vị Xuyên, province Hà Giang (cf. VOV.VN, 10/10/2017)

– Et dernièrement, au moins 84 élèves des écoles primaires Nguyễn Tất Thành, Lê Hồng Phong et e l’Ecole générale ethnique du district Sa Thầy, Kontum, hospitalisés le 6/11/2017, après avoir mangé du gâteau et bu du lait distribués par des inconnus « charitables » (cf.Thương hiệu và công luận, 7/11/2017).

Répression accrue au Vietnam avant la réunion de l’APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation)

La répression continuelle contre les « réactionnaires » (est réactionnaire toute personne qui ose contester la politique du régime) au Vietnam s’est accrue ces derniers temps à l’approche du Sommet de l’APEC (6-11/11/2017).

Son but : empêcher les fortes têtes d’influencer l’opinion et intimider les autres. Sous couvert des articles 79 (peine de 5 à 15 ans pour activité visant à renverser le pouvoir du peuple), 88 (peine de 3 à 12 ans pour propagande contre la république socialiste du Vietnam), et 258 (peine de 6 mois à 7ans pour abus des libertés démocratiques portant atteinte aux intérêts de l’ Etat, au pouvoir et à l’intérêt légaux des organisations et des citoyens) du code pénal, la police peut arrêter n’importe quelle personne suspectée d’être hostile au régime et la soumettre à un interrogatoire musclé au point d’entraîner sa mort, comme fut le cas au mois de mai 2017 de Nguyễn Hữu Tấn, retrouvé décapité après une nuit au commissariat de Vĩnh Long.

Sans sa mort atroce, les démêlés de ce dernier avec la police seraient passés inaperçus comme ceux de nombreux autres citoyens lambdas harcelés et/ou détenus sur simple soupçon politique.

Ne sont connus du public et répertoriés comme victimes de la répression que des militants chevronnés ou ceux dont la famille sait alerter l’opinion médiatique.

Par les réseaux sociaux on apprend ainsi que depuis fin juillet, plusieurs dissidents ont été arrêtés : Lê Đình Lượng à Nghệ An le 26/7 ;  Phạm Văn Trổi (ingénieur) à Hà Nội, Nguyễn Trung Tôn (pasteur) à Thanh Hóa, Trương Minh Đức (journaliste), Nguyễn Bắc Truyển  et Nguyễn Văn Đài (avocats, ce dernier, très célèbre pour sa lutte en faveur des droits de l’homme, venant à peine de purger 7 ans de prison) à Sài Gòn, le 30/7 ; Nguyễn Văn Túc à Thái Bình en septembre ; Nguyễn Viết Dũng à Nghệ An le 27/9 ; Trần Thị Xuân à Hà Tĩnh le 18/10.

Le 25/10, pour apeurer les jeunes tentés de manifester lors de la semaine de l’APEC, le tribunal provincial de Thái Nguyên a condamné, après trois ans de détention sans jugement, Phan Kim Khánh, 24 ans, étudiant en Affaires internationales à l’université locale, à 6 ans de prison plus 4 ans d’assignation à domicile, coupable d’avoir tenu des blogs contre la corruption et en faveur de la démocratie.

Par ailleurs, la crainte d’un soulèvement possible des mécontents de plus en plus nombreux pousse le régime à préparer depuis l’année dernière un texte de loi aggravant les sanctions contre toute parole dissidente ; cette « loi de sécurité internet », soumise à la discussion de l’Assemblée le 25/10, contient dans son article 10, §2 de quoi enfermer légalement la plupart des internautes qui « publient, rédigent, diffusent des informations… contre la République socialiste du Vietnam ».

Lire article de Việt Dương du 13/10.2017 publié dans Bauxite Việt Nam :  

Bọn thẻ đỏ tim đen tiếm quyền hóa giặc
Bịt miệng người kêu nỗi đau Ải Bắc
Bóp cổ người thét nỗi nhục Hoàng Sa
Sông có nghe nỗi nhục chuyển sơn hà
                                        Bùi Minh Quốc

Ông Nghĩa đã lên tiếng trước khi vào tù với bài thơ:
Tổ quốc tôi như miếng da lừa,
Một lần ước mất đi một góc
Ước phồn vinh: Rừng mất cây, biển mất cá.
Ước vẹn toàn: Mất hải đảo, mất cao nguyên.
Tôi đứng ôn hòa, biểu ngữ chống Bắc Kinh,
Người đến đầu tiên là cảnh sát.
Họ nhìn tôi như nhìn loài chó ghẻ.
Tôi ngã rồi, họ dựng chúng tôi lên,
Những nắm đấm thôi miên vào mặt.
Họ là người Việt Nam như tôi,<
Ở chung với tôi trên mảnh đất cỗi cằn sỏi đá,
Ở chung với tôi mảnh đất ngàn năm vật vã.
Lo sinh nhai, lo giữ chốn sinh tồn.
Tôi nằm lăn ra đất
Nước mắt nuốt vào lòng<
Lịch sử 4 ngàn năm triều đại nào như thế!
                                                  (Hải Phòng 29/4/2008)

Bọn thẻ đỏ tim đen tiếm quyền hóa giặc
Bịt miệng người kêu nỗi đau Ải Bắc
Bóp cổ người thét nỗi nhục Hoàng Sa
Sông có nghe nỗi nhục chuyển sơn hà
                                              Bùi Minh Quốc

Chinese Golem

Do the Western countries, and particularly the United States (in 1971), which, following Gaullist France (in 1964), forged diplomatic relationships with Communist China and gave it a respectability patent to the point of admitting it to UNO at the expense of Taïwan, and more, with a permanent position at the Security Council (October 1971), that is to say a power of veto on all the UNO resolutions, are aware of having made a deal with a predator to whom they offer immunity while binding their hands? It was not without warnings from lucid people they rejected as retrograde, such as John Foster Dulles who did not conceived that the world peace could be protected by “a nation that has been convinced of aggression and that continue to encourage the use of force in violation of UNO principles”. During the 1960-1970 years, exactions by the Chinese communist power were well known, committed as well against foreign people fallen under their claws (such as the Tibetan genocide) as against their own people (for example during the Great Leap Forward and the Hundred Flowers campaign which caused 40 to 60 million deaths), but the sensible minds who vituperate against American imperialism had nothing to say against the fanfare recognition of a regime twice as criminal as the Nazis’, that still anyway cheats, loots, oppresses and kills according to its needs.

Even worse, since the admission of China in the concert of nations, capitalists of free countries, baited by a cheap labor and a potential market of 1.37 billion consumers (as if the billion slaves on which Communist capitalism rests can and wants to buy Western products), have delocalized in this country no matter how their factories, even if they must transfer their expertise, result of dozens of years of researches and investments, that Beijing requires in return for their presence on its soil. While for any country wanting to develop itself the capital accumulation is the most important factor to achieve, without getting tired for years, all of a sudden China had a manna of billions of dollars brought willingly by foreign capitalists, manna that it knew how to use to take off and become after thirty years an economic and military power.

During the 1980-1990 years, the delocalizing companies justified their factories closing for Chinese benefit in saying they delegated the production abroad only to better focus on grey matter, id est research and development. But as time goes, they realized that products amelioration cannot come off the production process, and Chinese pressure helping, many of them ended up delocalizing in China even their research service (according to the China science and technology statistics of July 2004, there were in China “128 R&D institutions created by 63 multinational companies” of whom 44 come from the United States and 43 from Europe), condemning their native country to deindustrialisation and mass unemployment, for the greater benefit of the Chinese they contribute to enrich and train to the detriment of their compatriots (as long as the word homeland has a meaning for the multinational leaders!). The irony is that these managers who rush to China in order to dispose of their products on an immense market have only opened their country to the invasion of Chinese products. As for selling their products in China, they do it indeed on the beginning, but as soon as the Chinese have assimilated the technology, facilities of installation disappear, barriers rise and the deceived company ends up withdrawing from China (for example the case of Yahoo, Sullair, Zodiac…), but for one relocation twenty other enterprises continue to succumb to the Chinese larks’ mirror. And the more the Chinese get rich at the same time as the Westerners get off, the more the latter flatten themselves in front of Chinese arrogance to the point of forming a lobby to override any measure unfavourable to China.

In liberalism logic, globalization and free exchange can only be beneficial for everyone. It’s right if the participants are in good faith and apply the same rule of game. But of all countries China is currently the most evil partner, disrespectful of international rules and norms, brutal and corruptive, with the most barbarous regime, prompt to liquidate all heads, not even dissident but simply different, able to grind under the tanks young demonstrators at Tiananmen, to disembowel millions of Falungong to take organs intended for their infamous but profitable traffic, to project the extermination of entire populations such as the Tibetan people and presently the Vietnamese people, ally of the worst states of the planet it protects by its veto against any sanction of UNO (case of the Mullahs’ Iran and of the Darfur slaughterer Sudan).

While China amasses billions on billions of dollars and extends its hold on the entire world, the WTO, under Chinese lobby influence, continues to grant it the developing countries statute with derogations in commercial and monetary matters which penalize free countries. Happily, with anti-dumping procedures, European Union does not recognize it (yet) as a free market state unlike more than 80 other countries (among them are Swiss and Australia) reluctant to displease the Chinese juggernaut though they know it as interventionist and cheater. With Chinese products surging even more in their homeland, their citizens will certainly consume at low price but expose themselves to lethal dangers. For dishonesty reigns in Chinese entrepreneurship, where to increase profits, producers and merchants don’t hesitate to use forbidden and carcinogenic chemicals in very high doses, poisoning up to food. According to a report by the European Commission in 2016, 62% of dangerous products arriving in Europe come from China. Controls, when they exist, are difficult and cannot be systematic.

Instead of using their 3000 billion of foreign currency reserves (2017 figure) for repairing environmental damages and relieving the life of hundreds of million victims of their forced industrialization politic, Chinese leaders, filled with sufficiency and power appetite, prefer to use it to realize their world hegemony ambition. Conscious of their scientific delay compared to advanced countries, they buy back the western companies in difficulty and the shares of successful ones in order to seize their know-how. When they cannot do it, they do not hesitate to practice trickery and theft. To supply its factories et if possible to secure a monopoly, China is trying to get hold of all the natural resources of the planet thanks to its well-stocked portfolio and to the complicity of greedy and corrupt rulers and individuals from every country. In the process, it buys millions of hectares of arable land over the five continents (even in France where 1700 ha in the department of Indre and 900 ha in the department of Allier become Chinese), not to feed its lacking provision inhabitants as the media repeat at will, but to produce relatively healthy food for the 400 million executives and close affiliates of the regime, the billion slaves having to be content with poisoned food produced in China itself, the surplus of this production being exported abroad (note that since 2015 China is the leading exporter of agricultural products) at the expense of devils and barbarous (commonly used qualifiers) foreigners.

With developed and democratic countries, Chinese acquisitions remain discreet to the extent that, in order to exploit the bought resources and companies, the new Chinese owners employ local labor and retain some of the former staff ; but in the countries where reigns corruption, they don’t hesitate to practice settlement colonization by bringing the workforce directly from China instead of giving employment to natives. These millions of Chinese workers with their families not recorded as immigrants since they are in principle temporary residents will become so with time and will be added to the Chinese diaspora whose number Beijing wants to multiply, as much to lift the demographic pressure as to have a much more considerable fifth column abroad.

Strong of its economic power, to counter the United States influence, China builds since 2013 a “Silk road diplomacy” named “One belt, one road” which consists in making dependant on it 68 countries lying on a line connecting it by land and sea to Europe. Both intimidated and seduced by big investments perspective, some of these countries have already fallen into its lap (such as Pakistan, attracted since 2015 by the eventual benefits of a 46 billion dollars investment for the construction of a Sino-Pakistani corridor that will allow Chinese to directly reach the Indian Ocean, or Somalia which has just ceded to China 364 km2 at Djibouti to install its first military base outside Asia) or show themselves at least conciliatory such as Australia which feels compelled to grant excessive privileges to Chinese companies on its territory.

To the economic expansion corresponds an unprecedent military boom. In a few decades, China has risen to the 2d rank of military power with the largest number of troops (more than 2 million) and a constantly increasing budget (currently 190 dollars). Ready for a clash with the United States, it puts in place a five-year plan (2016-2020) for the modernization of the army in order to provide it with the most sophisticated weapons and equipment. Assured of the superiority of its land forces (which own the largest amount of tanks and artillery), failing to match the American aviation, it equipped itself with an impressive number of missiles (with 1600 to 1800 nuclear warheads, according to Russian general Victor Iessine), taking advantage of the fact it has not signed the Salt agreement limiting strategic arms that Russians and Americans must respect.

Among missiles, two models have been designed on purpose to attack ships and aircraft carriers, the CM302 presented in 2016 and the DF21D launched in 2015. With them, China can, despite its present inferiority in the maritime field, threaten the US fleet and push the United States out of the Eastern Sea which it claims to be its preserve. For in the minds of the Chinese leaders, the world hegemony passes first by the mastery of the seas, that is to say the control of maritime routes, and China being in Asia, it must absolutely exercise domination over the main link between the West and Asia that passes south of the East Sea. And that’s where Vietnam comes in, both lock and access to the supremacy.

For Vietnam, besides its natural riches which has not stopped exciting the Chinese lust for millennia, occupies by geography an unique strategic position which amplifies Beijing desire to seize the country. It is off the Paracel and Spratly islands located on the Vietnamese continental shelf and officially governed by Vietnam since the 17th century that pass all the ships coming from Europe, Africa and the Middle-East in direction of East Asia and vice-versa. To establish its sovereignty over the two archipelagos is to be able to control a maritime route through which transit about 5000 billion dollars of goods each year, not to mention that these islands are surrounded by waters full of fishes and shelter under them huge hydrocarbon deposits (from 1% to 25% of world reserves depending on estimates). Taking advantage of the weakening of Vietnam during the North-South war and the war against itself, China took over the Paracel in 1974 which it occupies entirely, and the Spratly in 1988 which it partially occupies. Knowing these occupations illegal, it seeks to impose a delimitation line of its territorial waters that encompasses both archipelagos, named the Nine traits line or U line, which all its neighbours are challenging. Since 2009 it builds a military base with port, airport, building, etc. in the Paracel and since 2014 it constructs artificial islands over its grabbed reefs in the Spratly to transform them in a much bigger military base.

De facto China makes the law in the Eastern Sea, the regional countries being not able to oppose its shenanigans. What it aims for is to be sovereign de jure. And for that, it needs the recognition of its sovereignty on the archipelagos by the only country which can claim it rightly, namely Vietnam. In 1958, it obtained from Hồ Chí Minh an implicit cession of the Paracel and Spratly via a diplomatic letter signed by his prime minister Phạm Văn Đồng recognizing the waters delimitation fixed by itself. The problem is that it is only an implicit cession, furthermore written in rather vague terms, and mostly the document has no legal value because at the time Hanoï had no right over these archipelagos which were under Saïgon jurisdiction. In 1990, the fall of the URSS and Chinese military pression pushed Hanoï leaders to surrender feet and fists tied to Beijing to the point of signing secret agreements (for fear of Vietnamese people reaction) for a progressive annexation of Vietnam to China to be effective in 2020. That’s how since then, with the support of the Hanoï power, over time the Chinese take hold of all of Vietnamese resources and of its best lands, in the first place of the Paracel and Spratly which they forbid the approach to Vietnamese fishermen. Vis-à-vis the people kept in the dark and stupefied by propaganda, the authorities just deny or minimized the situation while engaging in fierce repression of patriots opposed to China. Although they are entirely loyal to Beijing, as long as they are in power, for the public and international Hanoï dictators are reluctant to publicly declare their submission to China, especially the transmission of sovereignty over the archipelagos to the Middle empire, to the great discontent of the latter.

This reluctance of Hanoï plays for the free world, but it will not last, for 2020 is approaching and Beijing has advanced all its pieces to make Vietnam a Chinese province. The only way for all the countries that refuse the hegemony of the Golem they themselves have begotten is to prevent this programmed annexation, id est to help the Vietnamese people to rise up against the communist regime in order to establish a new nationalist power which will denounce unlawful agreements and fight against the odds for its independence. China will be forced to resort to armed force but it will have shown its true face, and alerted international opinion will stand behind its governments, ready to shoot down the Golem.





6è congrès du Comité central, session 12 :

Le 6è Congrès du Comité Central, session 12, du parti communiste vietnamien, qui réunit près de 200 membres dirigeants du Parti, s’est déroulé du 4 au 11/10/2017 à Hanoï en présence habituelle d’« 
observateurs » chinois ( ) En dehors des auto-congratulations et des résolutions pour une meilleure gestion des problèmes, le Congrès a pris la décision de reconduire Nguyễn Phú Trọng comme Secrétaire général du Parti et de renforcer son pouvoir en nommant deux de ses acolytes aux postes vacants du Secrétariat, tout en destituant Nguyễn Xuân Anh, un fidèle de son adversaire politique, l’Ex-premier ministre Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, du titre de membre du Bureau exécutif central pour cause de corruption en tant qu’ex- Secrétaire du Comité urbain de Đà Nẵng.

Inondations 2017 :  Tout le Vietnam sous l’eau

Les pluies diluviennes qui tombent sur le Vietnam depuis juin et atteignent ces jours-ci (10-14/10) un niveau record, ne cessent d’occasionner sporadiquement des inondations dévastatrices dans tout le pays, qu’aggrave le déversement concomitant des eaux des centaines de stations hydro-électriques, en particulier des énormes centrales chinoises en amont des fleuves vietnamiens, dont les flots soudainement volumineux s’abattent sur les barrages locaux, lesquels se protègent en déversant eux-mêmes les eaux de leurs bassins hydrauliques.


Article mis en avant

Appel à tous les les esprits épris de justice et de liberté,

À tous les démocrates et les écologistes authentiques


En danger de génocide et d’annexion par la Chine !

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